Friday, 23 May 2014

{easy yoga} garudasana(eagle pose)

{easy yoga} garudasana(eagle pose)


1. If  you need  to get  in shape (especially, hip, butt  and thigh),
   eagle  pose  will  help  you

2. Eagle  pose  burns  fat  belly.

3. If  you suffer from  imbalance  of  pelvis,  practicing  eagle 
   pose  will  be  useful.

How  to 

1. stand  erect.

2. Raise  your  both arms  at  chest height  and
   slowly  bend  your  upper body.

3. Cross  your  arms  and  pull  them  to the chest

4. Touch  your  palms  together  and  press  them  each other.

5. Lift  the  right legs and  balance yourself  with  the  left  foot,
   then  wrap  the  left  leg  with   your   right calf.

6. Stretch  your  hands  and  fingers  to the  ceiling.
   Stay  this  pose  for  30 seconds.

7. Straighten your  back  and  release  the  legs.

8. Release  your  arms  and  relax.
    Repeat  the  opposite direction.